Dear Member/Supporter,
The Verendrye Museum’s annual meeting for members and the election of Directors will be held on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at the Moose Lodge, 910 N Deadwood Street from 5-7:30pm with a 5p Social, 5:30p Dinner/Entertainment, and 7p Annual Meeting.
The Verendrye Museum’s five (5) museum sites were all open for visitors this summer as the Deadwood Street museum was closed September 2018-May 2022 as the City of Fort Pierre completed the renovation. There is 750 sq ft of wall displays that need to be created, organized and installed. We had two large tours and a total of 528 visitors this summer with many complimentary comments in regard to display presentation, the quality of memorabilia displayed, the cleanliness of building/items (eliminated bird droppings on front entry sidewalk as bird spikes were installed to stop bird droppings hitting windows, door framing and sidewalk)!! Special thanks to the City of Fort Pierre Mayor/staff/council for partnering with us to get this long-awaited project near completion. Maintenance work also continued at the Depot Museum(new roof installed) and Sansarc Country School Museum(new coat of paint/entry floor installed). The Stanley County 1905 Jail Museum needs new cedar shakes installed on the west side and Log Cabin Visitor Center Museum needs chinking done between logs outside/inside. Visitors are amazed at the items on display and the preservation actions taken to maintain the quality/value of the items. Most visitors at the Log Cabin Visitor Center request to see the Country School Museum and Jail Museum—they seem to be very popular!
The 6th Annual Backyard Barbeque was held in August with a successful return and 47 bragging cooks who pleased the crowd with the brisket dinners served. The BBQ Competition is the Verendrye Museum’s Signature Fundraiser at Fischers Lilly Park. Be sure to mark your calendars for the 7th Barbeque Competition starting with the brisket hand-out and Calcutta on Friday, August 11th at 5p followed by the People’s Choice, Dinner, Awards on Saturday, August 12, 2023. This popular event provides the opportunity for sponsors, cooks, and individuals of all ages to enjoy each other’s comradery in sponsorship, competition, tasting/sampling brisket/other food and sharing a meal with family, friends and the community. “Beef and History—it goes together!”
Please consider supporting the Verendrye Museum’s operations, maintenance, and educational programs by completing the Application enclosed through a membership, cash donation, memorial, stock, land donation, or as a beneficiary in your life insurance/estate, or through the endowment fund with the SD Community Foundation 605-224-1025, 800-888-1842, or to make a gift online.
Continue to follow us on Facebook (Verendrye Museum) and our website at ( for the latest news, interesting articles, as well as items that can be purchased from our Gift Shop. Please submit your Order Form through our email address (
Central South Dakota is well-known for its rich historical significance and the preservation of the artifacts, antiques, memorabilia depicting the life and hard work in developing the land and communities we enjoy today. It’s critical we continue to preserve and enrich this history to share with our children, grandchildren, and future generations. Please join us in continuing the tradition of building the legacy of history started by past generations as this is the foundation for future generations. Historical knowledge is crucial to protecting democracy and a foundation on which to build and be active members of the civic community!
Thank you for your past and present support. We look forward to having you as a Member and seeing you at the annual meeting.
Deb Schiefelbein, President